Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What is an RSS feed?

Well from the guy who explains things so well, here is another YouTube tutorial.

On the right of this blog are some RSS feeds that I have added for you to look at. They are of blogs that I find interesting and are updated on my blog when they are updated by the author. This happens because I have set it up as an RSS feed, therefore I don't have to go looking at the blog to see when it has been updated, instead it automatically updates because of the RSS feed.

I generally use Google Reader to store all of my RSS feeds. I have many more than what I have listed on my blog. In my Google Reader account it holds all of the feeds and shows me the updates as they come through. It will advise me of how many I have not read and of the date in which they were updated.

It would be great for more libraries to create web based information and updates in which people could link to using an RSS feed. It would enable them to make sure that all of their clients are kept up to the nano-second up to date.


  1. It would be good if our local library service would do this. Would be even better if they had the money to employ us! Then we could set it up for them ;>

  2. Love the cartoon and I really like your explanation of RSS and how it can be used in libraries. Well done

  3. Watched your 'RSS Feed in Plain English' video. I have seen it before but wanted to refresh my memory. I love the presentation of the 'Plain English' videos.
