Friday, July 1, 2011

Browsing and wandering around in cyber space

This week I have started the unit Use & Extend Own Information Literacy Skills (CULLB602C) as part of my Diploma in Library and Information Services. I am required to complete this blog as part of my assessment. Leonie, my teacher, has given us some great websites to look at, and as a result my eyes have been opened to a whole world of information.

As most of us all know the World Wide Web is HUGE!! and without the correct tools and skills at searching through it you wouldnt be able to find a fraction of what is out there to be found. Leonie introduced us to a new website, well new to me anyway, called Technorati. On this website I can choose to search by either Blogs or Posts. As I am specifically interested in all things to do with libraries I chose to simply choose 'Blogs' and typed in library. Numerous different library blogs then came up with the links to access them.

Here are some links to some that you might find interesting; Going Green @your library where you can read different posts about how to make green choices when it comes to materials, furniture and programs in a library, Not So Distant Future which is a blog that explores the intersection of technology, libraries, and schools. and lastly so that I don't go on forever is Charlotte's Library which is a blog with reviews of fantasy and science fiction books for children and teenagers.

That is really just a miniscule snippet of the variety of blogs that can be found by accessing the Technorati database of blogs. So as you can see I have been having some fun browsing and wandering around in cyber space. We can't all get to the places we want to or even find out the information we want with what is available to us, but with the time, a computer with access to the internet and if you are lucky a friendly Library Technician to help you, you can explore the world and the universe. You just need to start asking the questions where can I find it? and how?


  1. Cool links, i look forward to exploring on wednesday

  2. Saw the Going Green @ your library link while I was searching with technorati but not the other two. Think I might check out Charlotte's Library.

  3. Just thought that I would add. I agree with you when you state that we could be asking re computer technology - where can I find it and how? This is a good starting point for research.

  4. Good comments - thanks everyone

  5. Your right about how huge the web is. It is so important to know how and where to search to find information
